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A member registered Apr 02, 2022

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lol, I surely did! and my heart most definitely healed <3 great job and great game! 

(2 edits)

*Potential spoilers for Kujo's route!!!* ohmygod ! The first Kujo ending i got left me feeling sickkk! Like it felt already too late when I finally realized what was happening. I guess I deserved it after changing choices I made when they didn't at first seem like the right one...(which I think because of that it was so well/realistically done!). It was fascinating to watch play out, but admittedly left me feeling really weird inside before I finally understood. So interesting! I haven't got Kudos good ending yet, I had to run on here to discuss this particular ending!

I'm actually genuinely distraught... Like, I've lost hope of finding any game with this level of immersion! 

Okay so... I can not find another game that compares...